Almaguin Highlands Strategic Plan Implementation Committee

Minutes of Meeting

held Thursday, August 18, 2005

at the

South River - Council Chambers

Christina Golding, Municipality of Powassan; Jeff Johnston, Town of Kearney; Sara Keillor, Municipality of Powassan; Brenda Scott, Women's Own Resource Centre, Kathy Parker, Women's Own Resource Centre; Julie McDermott, Almaguin Highlands Business After Hours: Gilbert Lane, Township of Ryerson; Eleanor Sled-Kurrie, Special Events Committee of Burk's Falls, Armour and Ryerson; Wendy Devitt, Municipality of Whitestone; Kay Tod, Municipality of Magnetawan; and Martin Parker, Village of South River, David Stewart

Beata Barnard, and Glenn Barnard.

Resource Persons:
Denise Sherritt, Ministry of Northern Development and Mines; Catharine Mayne, NECO; and Uyen Nguyen, Blue Sky Economic Growth Corporation,.

Guest: nil

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order with Christina Golding in the chair.

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest - nil

3. Deputations - nil

4. Adoption of Minutes of June 16
Moved by Johnson, seconded by Tod The minutes of the meeting of July 21, 2005 be accepted as printed.

5. Reports from Members and Community Partners

1. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Denise Sherritt noted there was nothing new to report.

3. FedNor - nil

Catherine Mayne reviewed the projects in the Almaguin Highlands which received funding approval in July. The application process was reviewed.
NECO is looking at providing displays for the municipal offices for brochures on business development.

5. Blue Sky
Uyen Nguyen noted that the Blue Sky Net project is on target and contracts are being signed.

6. Women's Own Resources Centre and Micro-Business Development Centre
Brenda Scott announced that the Rural Outreach Programme will commence in early September. The schedule for the fall was distributed. Two major events are being planned for the fall during Small Business Week, a Skilled Trades Round Table Discussion on October 18 and a Mothers, Daughters and Mentors Workshop on October 19.
Kathy Parker requested that any red flag issues in the region be sent to the MBDC so they can be included in the MBDC monthly page in the Almaguin News.
Christina Golding made a presentation to the WORC of the proceeds for the Ian Hill `Power of One' seminar in South River in May.

7. Visitor Information Centres
Carol Burns reported that the AHIC as 130 paid members and the summer season is progressing well. The site has been used several times by the `Driver Reviver' programme.
The other two information centers are operating for the summer season.

8. Ryerson, Armour and Burk's Falls Special Events Committee
Eleanor Sled-Kurile reported that the new entrance sign at the southern entrance to Burk's Falls should be erected shortly. There have been several meetings between the Special Events Committee and the Armour, Ryerson and Burk's Falls Economic Development Committee. A plan for economic development for that part of the region is being developed.

Gilbert Lane felt there should be a phone book for the Almaguin Highlands area.

9. Powassan Observatory
Kay Tod announced that a sign will be erected shortly at the site for the Observatory. Approval of funding is still pending.

10. Eastholme
Kay Tod reviewed the waiting list and procedures for being accommodated at Eastholme.

11. Almaguin Highlands Business After Hours
Julie McDermott announced that the initial fall meeting will be held on September 20 at the Ten Gables Golf Inn.

12. Time for Future Meetings
There was a general discussion on the time for the next meeting. It was agreed to start the meeting at 1:30 p.m.

13. Future of AHSPIC
Christina Golding felt the Strategic Plan is done and the committee need a new life and goals. The evolution of AHSPIC into an Economic Development Group was suggested as a means to refocus the committee. There was a general discussion on the future of the committee. It was agreed to continue the discussions at the next meeting.

14. Multi-media Marketing Plan
Moved by Tod, seconded by Groves
That the motion at the last meeting regarding the Marketing Plan be rescinded. Carried

6. Correspondence - nil

7. Other Business

8. Adjournment and Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Thursday September 15 at 1:30 p.m. in the South River -
Machar Community Centre.
The meeting was adjourned.

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