Almaguin Highlands Strategic Plan Implementation Committee

Minutes of Meeting

held Thursday, April 21, 2005

at the

South River - Machar Community Centre


Kathy Parker, Micro Business Development Centre and Women's Own Resource Centre; Christina Golding, Municipality of Powassan; Jeff Johnston, Town of Kearney; David Stewart; Sara Keillor, Municipality of Powassan; Wendy Devitt, Municipality of Whitestone; Barbara Groves, Township of Chisholm; Leila Sheriff, Healthy Communities Coalition; Kay Tod, Municipality of Magnetawan; Carol Burns Township of McMurrich/Monteith; Gib Lane, Township of Ryerson, and Martin Parker, Village of South River



Resource Persons:

Catharine Mayne, NECO


Tim Bertrand, Blue Sky Radio

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order with Christina Golding in the chair.

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest - nil

3. Deputations -

1. Tim Bertrand, Blue Sky Radio
Tim Bertrand reviewed the history and the operation of Blue Sky Radio. They are looking to expand the system and part of the expansion will be a transmitter in the Almaguin Highlands area. The station needs story ideas for the content of the station. The broadcast is also available over the internet. When they submit an application to the CRTC they would appreciate a letter of support.

4. Adoption of Minutes

08-2005 K. Parker/C. Burns
That the minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2005. be adopted.


5. Reports from Members and Community Partners

1. Ministry of Northern Development and Mines - nil

Catharine Mayne proved an update on the upcoming EGC seminar in the region.

3. FedNor
- nil

- nil
Copies of the Shop Talk of the LTAB were distributed.

5. Blue Sky EGC
Catharine Mayne reviewed the scheduled for the Power of One seminars. The Volunteer Session will be at the South River - Machar Community Centre on May 10 from 7 to 9 p.m. The registration fee is to be donated to a charity and ASPIC agreed that the proceeds of the seminar in the Almaguin Highlands should go to the Women's Own Resource Centre.

6 - 7. Women's Own Resources Centre and Micro-Business Development Centre
Kathy Parker announced that the two organizations will be working out of one office. The MBDC will primarily be a monthly newspaper pate in the Almaguin News. They will be helping businesses in the region.

8. Almaguin Festivals and Events - nil

9. Almaguin Chamber of Commerce
- nil
Christian Golding announced that this organization will again be invited to the next meeting of the committee.

10. Lure of Almaguin Project
Martin Parker reported that motions of support from municipalities are being received and there is good support from across the region.

11. Burks' Falls, Armour, Ryerson Special Events Committee - nil

12. Powassan Observatory Committee
Kay Tod, reported that the public meeting was well attended and there is very possible support. The RFP submission date is May 5 after which a consultant will be selected.

13. Terms of Reference
The revised Terms of Reference were reviewed. It was agreed membership would be open to all who wished to participate. It was agreed that all decisions and recommendations would be by consensus.

09-2005 D. Stewart/Kay Tod
That the revised Terms of Reference of the Almaguin Highlands Strategic Plan Implementation Committee be approved.


14. Blue Sky Radio - nil

6. Correspondence - nil

7. Other Business - nil

8. Adjournment and Next Meeting

The meeting was adjourned with the next meeting scheduled for Thursday May 19.

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