Minutes of meeting

Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 10:00 a.m.

Township of Chisholm Municipal Office



Present : Chair Christina Golding, (Councillor – Powassan); Barbara Groves (Mayor - Chisholm); Kay Tod; (Member-at-large); Gilbert Lane (Councillor - Ryerson); Eleanor Sled-Kurrle (R/A/BF. Special Events Comm.); Brenda Scott (WORC), Denise Sherritt (NDO MNDM); Andrew Busch (EDC Powassan). Cameron Merry, (East Ferris Recreation Co-ordinator); David Thompson (Mattawa/Bonfield ED Consultant; Carol Adamthwaite (Kearney Watershed Environment Foundation); Donna Johnston (for Jeff Johnston, Councillor – Kearney )


Regrets : Catharine Mayne (CED Officer, NECO) Kelly Earley (EDC Whitestone); Jackie Leung (AH B&B); Denise Eckert (Community Updates); Jeff Buell (Bluesky.net); Cliff Reeds (Mayor - Kearney ); Jeff Johnston (Councillor – Kearney );


1. Meeting called to order by Chair Tina Golding  @ 1010 a.m.


2. No declarations of pecuniary interest


3.  Deputations :  None.


4. Adoption of Minutes

5.  Reports from Community and Resource Partners

5.1  Ministry of Northern Development and Mines. 

5.2  FedNor. 

5.3 NECO 

5.4 Bluesky.net  

5.5 Women’s Own Resource Centre.  Brenda Scott presented her report. 

5.6   Burks Falls/Armour/Ryerson Special Events Committee 

5.7 Almaguin Highlands Business After Hours (AHBAH)

5.8 Powassan Observatory Committee

5.9 Municipality of Whitestone BR&E Program.  Not present at this meeting

5.10  E conomic Development in the Municipality of Powassan  

5.11   Almaguin Marketing Proposal

5.12 Almaguin Highlands Bed and Breakfast Association. (AHB&B)

5.13 Kearney Watershed Environment Foundation.

5.14  Community Updates Directory 

. 5.15  BF/A/R Economic Development Group. 

5.16  East Ferris Recreation Committee

6.  Correspondence 

Moved by Sled-Kurrle and seconded by Tod that a letter from the Chair be sent to the South River Public School and teacher Mary Ann Maloney congratulating the students involved in the Atomic Boot Project. Carried.

7. In-Camera

8. Other Business/Community Reports.

9. Adjournment and next meeting

Moved by Scott that the meeting adjourn at 12:36 p.m.   Carried

Next meeting: Burk’s Falls  Place: TBA by the Chair

Thank you to the Township of Chisholm for the use of the lovely, bright Council Room and for the refreshments.




________________________     ______________________

Christine Golding, Chair                   Kay Tod, Secretary

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