DRAFT Meeting Minutes – February 18th, 2016

10 a.m. – 12 noon @ McMurrich/Monteith Council Chambers


Present: Jessica Busch, WORC; David Stewart, Almaguin Highlands Inc.; Carol Armstrong, McMurrich/Monteith; Rosalind Hall, Ryerson Township; Karen Insley-Stewart, Almaguin Highlands Inc / Cottage Pain Clinic; Dave Gray, CDO Burk’s Falls/Armour/Ryerson.

  1. Welcome, call to order ~ Dave Gray  10:16 a.m.
    1. Regrets: Carole Mantha, MNDM.
  2. Introductions of attendees
  3. Adoption of Minutes of January 2016 – 1st Carol Armstrong  2nd Rosalind Hall   All in favour.
  4. Business Arising (AHED Business):  

Thank you to the Township of McMurrich/Monteith for hosting this month’s AHED meeting.

4.1 Showcase Almaguin Discussion: It looks like the event will be moving forward in South River on June 10th in partnership with The Almaguin Highlands Chamber of Commerce FAB16. The next Showcase Almaguin Committee meeting will be taking place on Thursday March 3rd 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at The Women’s Own Resource Centre in South River.

  1. Reports from Community and Resource Partners


Jessica Busch/Women’s Own Resource Centre
Jessica reported that Entrepreneurial Skills Training Classes are approximately halfway completed in both Burk’s Falls and South River.  The next sessions will run in September with potential for a new location – more information to come.  Life Skills Training is also underway at WORC – this course will be offered again in June.  The Almaguin Women’s Resource & Business Network February meeting will be held at the Red Brick Café in Sundridge with Willy Hollett, President of the Almaguin Highlands Chamber of Commerce presenting.  For information on any of our programs and services, please feel free to contact Jessica or Chantal at 705-386-9672 or email info@womensownresource.org or jessica@womensownresource.org

      Rosalind Hall/Ryerson Township
Rosalind reported that a presentation was made to their Council requesting donations to assist the East Parry Sound Literacy Council. Council was supportive of the letter and Rosalind encouraged other area councils to support the Literacy Council as well.

       Karen Insley-Stewart/Cottage Pain Clinic; Almaguin Highlands Inc.
Here’s a summary of what Cottage Pain Clinic, (CPC) has reported previously at our AHED meetings.  This includes a short update of what’s happening in Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy research.
Research is showing devices that produce field strengths similar to the CPC’s Masor® perform better and are more cost effective than standard medical procedure for treatment of soft tissue.  They are safe, without side effects, and show significant successful results in pain reductions/resolution, acute and chronic inflammation reduction and have successfully been used to treat osteo-arthritis.  All studies have shown safety and efficacy and is promising evidence-based research for PEMFT and practical applications.  CPC’s goal is to expand manufacturing and through volume make this device available in the home at a lower cost.
CPC Links and research references can be found on
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cottagepainclinic
For reference, FAQ’s and other info visit - Website: cottagepainclinic.com

       Carol Armstrong/McMurrich Monteith
Carol reported that the Winter Carnival was excellent despite being very cold. The 125th Anniversary is quickly approaching, plans for the event are still underway but they are working with a great team – more information to come.

       Dave Stewart/Almaguin Highlands Inc.
Dave is currently preparing to move his Almaguin Highlands website to a more responsive site – all expenses for this is being paid by him. Dave initiated a conversation regarding government and regional funding stating that the funding should be delivered here so the Almaguin Highlands can market its own region – not given to North Bay/Muskoka/Parry Sound to market our region from the outside.

       Dave Gray/CDO Burk’s Falls, Ryerson, Armour
Dave shared that the “Mag River Band” will be playing at Riverbowl on Friday March 11th at 7:00 p.m. for an “All You Can Bowl – Live Music Night” event – the charge is $10 at the door for this fun family night. The South Almaguin Highlands Economic Development Committee (SAHEDC) has changed its name to the Burk’s Falls and Area Community Economic Development (BACED). Dave reported that he will be presenting a “roll-out package” at next month’s AHED meeting in regards to the “Villages of Almaguin” initiative he has been working on which focuses on regional branding. There will be two ways Municipalities can participate which are both community driven and cost effective. The first way will be for Municipalities to adopt the “Villages” theme by adding the logo to existing signage and advertising. The second way is to work with the committee by identifying taglines for your area that can also be incorporated along with the logo. This regional branding initiative will remove confusion over municipal boundary lines and promote the region as a whole.

  1. Correspondence:
  2. In-Camera (if required)
  3. Next meeting date: Thursday, March 17, 2016 @ McMurrich/Monteith Council Chambers
  4. Meeting Adjourned @ 11:55 a.m.  



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