Minutes of meeting


South River Council Chambers

South River , Ontario



Present : Catharine Mayne (Community Futures); Andrew Busch (EDC Powassan); Brenda Scott (WORC); Merv Mulligan (Councillor, McMurrich/Monteith), Morley Moore (Councillor, Whitestone) Jeff Johnston (Mayor –Kearney); Robert Tilley (Councillor, Kearney); SarahJayne Connick (Project Co-ordinator, Ontario’s Near North);

Les Mahon ( Councillor, South River), Ashley Brown ( Recreation Coordinator, South River) , Jim Altseimer (Granite Ridge Campground, Kearney) ,

Regrets : Barbara Groves (Mayor - Chisholm), Ron Begin (FedNor); Denise Eckert (CommunityUpdates); David Stewart


1. Meeting called to order by Acting Chair Jeff Johnston @ 10:05 a.m.


2. Declarations of pecuniary interest: Brenda Scott re: April Summitt


3. Deputations : None.


4. Adoption of Minutes

Moved by Merv Mulligan and seconded by Bob Tilley that the minutes of the meeting held January 18, 2007 be accepted as circulated. Carried


5. AHED Business

5.1 Showcase Almaguin Summit will be held in September to give more time to development of the agenda. Funding has been received for luncheon and coffee breaks. These will be held or returned as per donor request until the actual date of event. Discussion was held regarding agenda, presentations and guest speakers and will continue at upcoming AHED meetings.

5.2 AHED Terms of Reference -deferred to next meeting


6. Reports from Community and Resource Partners

6.1 Ministry of Northern Development and Mines . Dominique Marleau not present. Many have submitted applications for the Rural Infrastructure Investment Initiative and are awaiting funding announcements.

6.2 Community Futures (NECO) - Catharine Mayne reported that there were three more successful applicants in the January 31 st round of requests for funding. The next funding round will be in April and applications are accepted monthly. A report was circulated showing funding in the last year from April 2006 to March 31, 2007.

6.3 FedNor Ron Begin not present

6.4 Bluesky.net - Jeff Buell not present however Jeff Johnston updated on what has been occurring locally since information and the support of the petition was made public that Kearney had agreed to spearhead. (Petition template was attached to last months Minutes) -Bell Canada has now shown interest in providing highspeed to Kearney and has been making contact with individuals as they have fibre optics running out Hwy. 518. - GIS project is moving ahead. Questions were asked as to how GIS and GPS could work together.

6.5 Women’s Own Resource Centre. - Brenda Scott updated on current programs being offered. Workshops are running in Powassan from the Council Chambers each Tuesday morning. - Carpool Almaguin (a joint regional organizational project) has been submitted to Ontario Trillium Foundation for funding. - LTAB, Canadore College, DPS Employment Services and WORC are presenting a Skilled Trades public information workshop on Tuesday, February 20/07 at the South River Community Centre. 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Attendance is free. - Information on stats and forecast regarding the tourism industry is available at www.research.tourism.gov.on.ca - Economic development partners are encouraged to send photos of their committees or projects to be included in the next media page in March. Submissions should be sent to worc@on.aibn.com by March 16th.

6.6 Ontario’s Near North (ANTA) - SarahJayne Connick presented the new Near North Welcome Guide that includes a comprehensive map of the region. Copies were available for everyone. People have been calling saying the guide has proven very useful. She reminded everyone that events should be emailed to their website for inclusion. The more members using services the less costs. The next guide will be produced in December or January and the deadline will be in August. More information will be forthcoming.

6.7 Township of Chisholm - Barb Groves not present

6.8 Ryerson, Armour, Burk’s Falls Special Events Committee - Eleanor Sled-Kurrle not present.

6.9 Almaguin Highlands Business After Hours (AHBAH ) - Heather Dumont not present

6.10 Powassan Observatory Committee Kay Tod not present

6.11 Municipality of Whitestone - Morley Moore updated on the Whitestone Community Development Committee. They held a very successful Valentine’s Dance. The Fish Derby will be held March 10 th and plans are in the works for Canada Day. Norm Miller, M.P.P will be visiting and attending their Evening Social on Friday March 2 nd and touring Hwy 520. Applications have been made to apply for grants under the Rural Infrastructure funding.

6.12 Economic Development in the Municipality of Powassan - Andrew Busch updated on Wind farm project. Meetings have been held with consultants and that information is being processed. Testing is being done as to the efficiency of creating energy.

6.13 Almaguin Highlands Bed and Breakfast Association. (AHB&B). - Heather Dumont not present

6.14 Kearney Economic Development, Centennial 2008 and Environmental Projects. - The Parks and Rec. Committee has been expanded is exploring new youth opportunities i.e. canoe lessons.etc and will pursue funding.
Brenda Scott was asked to attend the next meeting in March to provide information and possible partnerships that can be explored with local businesses.
Jim Altseimer was present from Granite Ridge Campground and explained how their business is looking to partner and provide things such as day passes and website links to encourage more tourism in the area.
As president of the Algonquin West ATV Club he has contacts and information regarding new partnerships in that area. They will be meeting Feb. 22 nd for further discussions. Insurance coverage is a priority for the upcoming meeting.
The Annual Dog Sled Races were held last weekend. As always it was a hugely successful event for Kearney and the weather was perfect.

6.15 South Almaguin E. D. Committee - Denise Eckert not present. - LTAB, the Business Centre and Canadore College Meeting has been arranged for February 22, 2007 11am to 1:00pm at the BAR Arena. Further info may be had from Denise at 382- 5219.
Although this group is not hosting the Snowmobile races to be held in Burk’s Falls the weekend of March 3-4, information on the “Almaguin Cup” event can be obtained at www.AlmaguinCup.com.

6.16 Community Updates Directory - Denise Eckert not present.

6.17 Almaguin Highlands Ontario Inc. - David Stewart not present.

6.18 McMurrich/Monteith. Quote of the day “Let’s raise the waters to float all of our boats” - Merv Mulligan reported that the Annual GM for the Park to Park Trail was held and Norm Miller attended. A good level of cooperation has been reached between the snowmobile and other groups working hard to develop the trail system. Trails are difficult to maintain in the summer when little revenue is coming in. There is now a Seguin Trail booklet to take along on hikes, etc., and plaques are up telling of the history of the trail. Mountain Bike events are being promoted. Questions were asked by Jim of Granite Ridge regarding equipment for trails maintenance as he is aware of a small bulldozer that is used for this type of work. Suggestion was made by Brenda Scott that the upcoming French Severn Forest partner forum be attended by those interested in trail development.

6.19 Ministries of C&I/ Health Promo/Sports and Rec/Culture - Caroline Loiselle not present.

7 . Correspondence

Letter of resignation from secretary Kay Tod.

Letter of resignation received from chair Christina Golding.

Letter received from AHIC was read out by Jeff Johnston informing of the year over 2006 and what they have upcoming in 2007.

8. New Business.

Thank you to Jim Altseimer for attending meeting and bringing his business perspective to the table. Also thanks to Jeff Johnston for seeing that businesses in Kearney are made aware of opportunities presented at the AHED meetings. Others were encouraged to do the same.

Acceptance of resignation of current chair and secretary and new elections will be held next month.

9. In-Camera

10. Adjournment and Next Meeting Date

Moved by Merv Mulligan and seconded by Bob Tilley.
Next meeting : Women’s Own Resource Centre in South River
Date March 15/07
Time: 10:00 a.m.

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