Minutes of meeting

Thursday, April 16, 2009, 10:00 – 12 noon

South River Machar Community Centre, South River, Ontario


Present: Merv Mulligan, McMurrich/Monteith; Gilbert Lane, Ryerson; Brenda Scott, WORC/South River; Stephen Boyle, Chisholm; Kay Tod, Magnetawan Business Association; Jeff Johnston, Kearney; Morley Moore, Whitestone; Jennifer McCourt, Discovery Routes;

Regrets: Steve Munro, Westwind Forestry Services; Chetna Sharma, MNDM

1. Welcome

2. Call to order Merv Mulligan, Chair

3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest NA

6. Adoption of Minutes of March, 26, 2009
Moved by: Jeff Johnston Second by: Morley Moore

7. AHED Business

Jennifer McCourt, Discovery Routes, updated committee on how the Trails Project partnership has expanded across the Near North with each group having their own requests. Pricing has been adjusted to meet the needs of each group. To date McMurrich-Monteith, Whitestone, Forgotten Trails/South River and Powassan have submitted applications. South Shore/Restoule Snowmobile Club has expressed interest and Magnetawan and Kearney are currently planning at the committee level. The project will be completed over the next two years. The full application is being submitted to FedNor and MNDM by Discovery Routes and will total approximately $200,000.
Jennifer also informed us on the new Bike Train sustainable transportation and tourism initiative. It currently runs between Niagara Falls and Toronto is a weekend trip accommodating 56 bikers in a special car. They will be cycling 100km within the destination community before returning by train. There will be one stop in North Bay this August. Jennifer will extend AHED's request for information to the project coordinator, Justin Lafontaine. More information can be accessed at www.biketrain.ca Article North Bay Nugget: www.biketrain.ca/northern-ontario

8.0 Reports from Community and Resource Partners

8.1 Ministry of Northern Development and Mines Sharma/Marleau

8.2 NECO Mayne

8.3 FedNOR Begin

8.4 Blue Sky Buell

Request from Merv Mulligan for more information as to final accounting of the $2 million project for hi-speed to our region.

8.5 WORC/South River Scott

Two year provincial funding has been announced for WORC's Rural Outreach Program Endeavour ROPE.
WORC welcomes Dawna Mitchell as Project Assistant. An application to OTF has been made for funding for Outreach Facilitator's for four rural communities.

8.6 Ontario's Near North Ypya

8.7 Township of Chisholm Boyle

Stephen Boyle was very interested in the Bike Train concept and how it could apply to our region as there is a train stop in South River and the SR Train Station is being developed as a destination. He hopes to be able to meet with project coordinator on May 5th when he visits North Bay to further discuss the opportunity.

8.8 Ryerson, Armour, Burk's Falls Lane

Gib Lane reported May 12th will be the next Livestock Sale in South River. The PS District Livestock Cooperative Association will be contacted and invited to the next AHED meeting to hear about the Growing Forward Funding Initiative from OMAFRA.

8.9 Municipality of Whitestone Moore

Morley Moore – 50 Composters have been purchased in the second round of this initiative. The Brides of Whitestone has opened a gym in their facility. Carmen Broughton, Nurse Practitioner is providing wellness day activities at the Community Centre.

8.10 Powassan Economic Development Report

The Love Lake Observatory committee is proceeding with business plan through NECO and an application to MNDM for an intern to share with Powassan. The next meeting will discuss long term lease agreement for the property. April 25th is the annual Maple Syrup Festival.

8.11 McMurrich/Monteith Mulligan

The township is applying for an intern to strengthen their office services. A working committee has been formed for building the pavilion over the outdoor rink. Park 2 Park train funding is continuing to improve surfacing and drainage working from the high use areas to more remote sections. Trail discussions with Carling to complete the connection to Kilbear Park are being held.

8.12 Kearney Economic Development Johnston

Jeff Johnston reported that many projects are moving ahead. The Sprucedale Horticultural Society meets in the Kearney Community Centre the 3rd Monday of each month. May 16th Annual Plant Sale... Foodland Parking Lot...Novar, Contact: Mary Peterman. May 18th Sprucedale...Lindy Vardy.

8.13 Central Almaguin Economic Development Assoc.

8.14 Magnetawan Area Business Association Tod

Next meeting is this coming Monday. More information to follow. Annual Fish Fry is April 24 & 25th.

8.15 Westwind Forest Services Munro

8.16 Citizenship & Immigration (Culture Health Promotion) Loiselle

8.17 Almaguin Highlands Inc. Stewart

8.18 Municipality of Magnetawan

8.19 Nipissing Negrinotti

8.20 Almaguin Highlands Council for the Arts Sohm

9. Correspondence

10. In-Camera

11. Adjournment: Motion: Steve Second: Kay

Next meeting date: Thursday, May 21st, 2009, 10 a.m. – 12 noon
NOTE: Location: South River Town Office, 68 Marie Street.
Guest Speaker: Pierrette Desrochers, OMAFRA

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