Almaguin Highlands Strategic Plan Implementation Committee

Minutes of Meeting

held Thursday, March 11, 2004

at the

South River - Machar Community Centre

Present: Not available


Resource Persons:


1. Acceptance of Agenda

06-2004 Johnston/Stewart

THAT AHSPIC does hereby accept the proposed agenda for this meeting of March 11, 2004.


2. Minutes

07-2005 Tod/Johnston

That AHSPIC does accept the minutes of the meeting of February 12, 2004.


3. Ideas Committee Report

Chair Hughes provided a verbal summary of the suggestions made at the recent Ideas Committee Meeting.   Some of the ideas were discussed.
Gilbert Lane suggests approaching the Almaguin News concerning a special insert on businesses in our region.

4. Economic Conference

The proposal from the Micro Business Development Centre for the economic conference with the focus being on the 4-laning was reviewed by the Chair. The proposal was discussed and the Chair stressed the need for more profile and involvement by AHSPIC. It was also suggested that two seats be guaranteed from each municipality.

08-2004 Lane/ Tod

That the proposal from the Micro Business Development Centre for the economic conference in May be accepted provide there is a higher profile for AHSPIC, input into the agenda, and two seats are allocated to each municipality.

5. Almaguin Highlands Web Site

David Stewart noted the work is progressing on the site and is now linked to Muskoka and Blue Sky. He reviewed future developments.

There was extensive discussion on the ownership of the web site and the ownership of the information on the web site. The need to have the access codes was noted.

It was agreed that the ownership of AlmaguinHighlands.com is presently not clear and this needs to be clarified.

The proposed date of the conference was discussed and the majority, by one, wished it to be held on a Saturday instead of a weekday.

6. Broadband Update

Chair Hughes reported he attended a meeting hosted by Muskoka Lake Township on a proposal to bring Broadband Internet to the Muskoka, Parry Sound and the Almaguin Highlands. This would be a public sector initiative through a non-profit corporation to be created. He noted broadband needs to be available to everyone in the region. The region needs to join this new group or it not receive broadband internet.

There was extensive discussions on who called the meeting and how this new initiative relates to current Muskoka Community Network. It was noted that if we do not join this new group then broadband will not become available.

7. Logo Project

It was reported that five municipalities have decided to support the logo project. The chair recommended that the lapel pins be purchased.

09-2004 Tod/Stewart

That AHSPIC recommends to the Council of the Village of South River that they purchase the proposed lapel pins with the Almaguin Highlands logo.

Martin Parker noted the Village will require copies of the quotes and the funding has to be in place.

8. AHSPIC Information Package

Chair Hughes reported that David Stewart and himself are working on an information package on the committee. It should be available at the next meeting for review.

9. Terms of Reference

Chair Hughes reported he has sent a copy of the Terms of Reference to all municipalities in the region last week. It will be reviewed at a future meeting.

10. Adjournment and Next Meeting

It was agreed the next meeting would be Thursday April 8 at 10:00 a.m. at the South River - Machar Community Centre.

Meeting adjourned.

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