Almaguin Highlands Highway Signage Draft Resolution for Individual Municipal Support in Principle and Striking a Committee-in Council


Whereas:   a genuine sense of belonging, collaboration and partnerships are integrally interconnected to an area’s sense of identity, pride of place, and empowerment, this branding success, along with affirmative collective and individual municipal financial support over the period continues to ‘grow’ these behaviours and is positively reinforced through regional signage which is a demarcation to both those who live, work and play and for those who visit the Almaguin Highlands thereby promoting economic and social health and each individual municipality is an important partner needed to actualize policy, financial participation, and sending a strong representation of their community’s voice,


And Whereas:   the goal of erecting these 5 decorative signs early in fiscal year 2015/16 at the Almaguin Highlands area boundaries as outlined in the Almaguin Highlands Strategic Plan (2002) on highways located on the northbound, (Perry Township)/southbound, (Callander) highway 11 corridor, and the western boundary of highways 518 (McMurrich/Monteith), 124 (Whitestone) and 522 (Port Loring) for the purposes of identification and promotion of economic development in Almaguin Highlands


And Whereas:   the estimated cost for 5-3 D signs marking the north, south, west major and secondary highways cost not to exceed the estimated $412,000.00 and funding is requested to secure 5% total financial contribution in the amount of $1,287.50 or as specified from each municipal signatory of the strategic plan and from private business support,


Therefore:  the Municipality of ____________________’s supports in principal striking a Committee in Council in the Municipality of _____________, to implement the Highway Signage Project’s planning which will consist of Committee Members (recommended at 7), designated by the 16 Councils plus 2 unorganized townships to take the project forward in the year 2014/15


And Therefore; be it resolved that the Municipality of ___________________________

hereby agrees to support, as a community partner the financial commitment of the Almaguin Highlands signage through this Municipal Council motion, and budget line support in 2015/16 and in the current amount of $_______________, ($____________).






___________________                                  _________________________

Municipal Clerk                                                          Mayor/Reeve


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